Integrated Watershed Approach for Sustainable Crop Production

$ 179


Author: Pandit Patil, Ravindra Borade

Vol/Edition: First Edition

Isbn: 9781681170749

Lang: English

Year: 2016


Integrated watershed approach is an approach that recognizes and operates based on the interconnectedness of ecology, economy and society. In doing so, we are able to ensure that adequate supplies of good quality water are maintained for the entire population while still preserving the hydrological, biological and chemical functions of ecosystems. This book covers the various aspects of integrated watershed approach like components of integrated watershed approach, planning of watershed, watershed based soil and water conservation activities, land use, crop management, dry land agriculture, horticulture, agroforestry, soil management, livestock production and peoples participation. The main objective of this book is to give comprehensive information on integrated watershed approach and would serve as a useful source of reference material for teachers,’ researchers, scientists, policy makers, planners, administrators, extension workers, and NGOs working in the field of watershed development.

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