Conifer Seedling Mineral Nutrition



Author: R. van den Driessche

Vol/Edition: First Edition

Isbn: 9780849359712

Lang: English

Year: 1991

Publisher: CRC Press


Conifer Seedling Mineral Nutrition provides a comprehensive review of conifer seedling mineral nutrition and its significance to forestry. The book covers relationships between mineral supply and uptake; the effects of nutrition on seedling growth; an integration of the ideas of T. Ingestad with classical growth analysis concepts; practical aspects of assessing nutrient status and details of fertilizing bare root and container nursery stock; and fertilizing vegetative propagules. The book also describes and illustrates Mycorrhizas, assessing their importance to plantation establishment in an analysis of recent papers reporting field trials. The effects of nutrients on stress resistance and establishment when applied in the nursery and while planting are discussed in the final chapter. It will prove useful to reforestation research workers, nurserymen, and silviculturalists and should be considered essential reading for forestry students

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