This outstanding work is the only modern book devoted to the chick embryo and has been an essential resource for geneticists, molecular and developmental biologists, and other life scientists who use the chick embryo as their research model. This new enlarged and updated second edition is published in response to continuing demand. The text provides a detailed description of development, from fertilization to hatching, with emphasis on the earlier stages though also covering individual organ systems in detail. There are reviews of the more recent molecular research and a new section highlighting the important landmarks in the history of chick embryology which have had an impact on our understanding of developmental processes. The book is beautifully illustrated with 74 text-figures and over 500 photographs, including nearly 200 new scanning electron micrographs.
$ 190
Author: Ruth Bellairs and Mark Osmond
Vol/Edition: First Edition
Isbn: 9780120847914
Lang: English
Year: 2005
Publisher: ELSEVIER